Numerologist Dr. According to Kumar Ganesh, today's lucky number is 8. Know what your day will be like?

 Today's Issue: - Original Issue: - 7 Fate Issue: - 8 Day Issue: - 9 Month Issue: - 5 Chilat Issue: - 5

 Today's special alliance: - Strong friend alliance with issue 7 of issue 5 and strong opponent / opposition alliance with issue 9. Opposite alliance with issue 5 of issue 8 and friend alliance with issue 7 and opposition alliance with issue 7 of issue 9.

 Issue: -1

 People whose date of birth is 1, 10, 19 or 28

 The day can be pleasant for those who work in transport. Outdoor sports players can find success.

 What to do: - Round and Durva to Lord Ganesha

 Auspicious number: 5

 Auspicious color: Green


 Issue: -2

 People whose date of birth is 2, 11, 20 or 29

 The feat will be greater. Enemies will be weakened. Interest in mystical tools or learning may increase. There may be an opportunity to get lost.

 What to do: - Offer milk sweets to Batuk Bhairav

 Auspicious number: 4

 Auspicious color: - Blue


 Issue: -3

 People whose date of birth is 3, 12, 21 or 30

 The higher the loss, the lower the benefit. The work or banner of people connected to the media may change.

 What to do: - Offer vermilion to Hanumanji and light a lamp of jasmine oil

 Auspicious number: 9

 Auspicious color: Red


 Issue: -4

 People whose birth dates are 4,13, 22 or 31

 There may be adaptations to children's careers. Marriage may be proposed if the child is single.

 What to do: - Tilak the soil by pouring water in the pipe.

 Auspicious number: 3

 Auspicious color: - Yellow


 Issue: -5

 People whose date of birth is 5, 14 or 23

 People who give money at interest should do business with caution. Don't take too much risk. People who trade should be extra careful.

 What to do: - To pay homage to Suryadev

 Auspicious number: 1

 Auspicious color: - Golden


 Issue: -6

 People whose date of birth is 6, 15 or 24

 A person with a high position or status can have special benefits. People running hotels, motels, restaurants or dhabas will have more convenience.

 What to do: - Immortalize the Shivling

 Auspicious number: 2

 Auspicious color: - White


 Issue: -7

 People whose date of birth is 7, 16 or 25

 Sudden completion of a particular task can bring great happiness. People associated with the field of management may have special opportunities.

 What to do: - Give the cow a round in the chopped bread.

 Auspicious number: 7

 Auspicious color: - Purple


 Issue: -8

 People whose date of birth is 8, 17 or 26

 Eye doctors may be more comfortable. People who work in the name of women or in the name of women can benefit.

 What to do: - Donate money to Dharamshala

 Auspicious number: 6

 Auspicious color: - Cream


 Issue: -9

 People whose date of birth is 9, 18 or 27

 The mind may be disappointed as the result of the examination is not as expected. Be more patient if you are working with an older brother.

 What to do: - Present black sesame seeds and an iron object to Shanidev

 Auspicious number: 8

 Auspicious color: Black